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Uninstall Zenreader


To completely uninstall Zenreader and remove all of the application data on Windows, do the following:

  1. Click the Windows Start Button
  2. Find the Zenreader folder and open with a left click
  3. Right click on the Zenreader App icon and then left click uninstall
  4. The Program and Features window will open
  5. On the top right Search Bar write Zenreader
  6. On the main view you will see Zenreader version x.x.x (where x.x.x is some number) double click that row
  7. You will be prompted by windows if you want to proceed with the uninstall. Click Yes
  8. A new Window will appear asking for confirmation. Click Yes
  9. After the loading bar finished you will get a success window
  10. Click OK


To completely uninstall Zenreader and remove all of the application data on macOS, do the following:

  1. Go to your /Applications folder and drag to Trash
  2. In Finder, press CMD + SHIFT + G, which will open the go to location panel
  3. Paste: ~/Library/Application Support and press enter. This takes you to the internal App Data folder. Drag Leapian folder to Trash
  4. Paste: ~/Library/Caches and press enter. This takes you to the App Cache folder. Drag Leapian folder to Trash
  5. Drag all your Zenreader project folders to Trash. By default they are in ~/Documents/ZenreaderProjects folder.
  6. Empty Trash